Saturday, July 27

Mini Chimichangas: A Quick and Tasty Snack Recipe


Mini chimichangas are a popular Tex-Mex treat. However, their smaller-than-usual renditions are great for get-togethers, eating, or even a pleasant family feast. These little pieces have all the qualities of a run-of-the-mill chimichanga yet are sufficiently small to grasp. We’ll walk you through a straightforward and heavenly mini chimichangas dish in this post that will immediately turn into number one.

Mini chimichangas are the perfect snack—crisp on the exterior. Easy to eat, and packed with a delectable, savory combination inside. They are smaller, easier-to-handle versions of conventional chimichangas, but still packed with flavor. These little chimichangas will wow visitors, whether you’re serving them at a party or you’re simply desiring something delectable.

Ingredients for mini chimichangas:

For the filling:

2 cups shredded cooked chicken (rotisserie chicken works well)

1 cup cheddar

1/2 cup salsa or chopped tomatoes

½  cup finely chopped onion

1/2 cup canned dark beans, depleted and flushed

One teaspoon of ground cumin

One teaspoon of chili powder

Salt and pepper to taste

For assembly:

10 small flour tortillas (6-inch)


Vegetable oil for frying

Optional toppings:

Sour cream


Extra salsa

Chopped cilantro

Recipe instructions for mini chimichangas:

1: Prepare the Filling

In a large mixing bowl, combine the shredded chicken, shredded cheese, salsa or chopped tomatoes, chopped onion, black beans, ground cumin, and chili powder. Blend well until every one of the fixings is uniformly appropriate. Season with salt and pepper, to taste.

2: Assemble the mini chimichangas

Spread out the flour tortillas on a spotless surface. Spoon about 2 tablespoons of the filling mixture into the center of each tortilla.

Fold the sides of the tortilla over the filling, then roll it up tightly from the bottom to form a small burrito shape. Secure it with a toothpick to keep it from unrolling during frying.

3: Fry the Chimichangas

Heat around 1 inch of vegetable oil in an enormous skillet over a medium-high flame. To test if the oil is ready, drop a small piece of tortilla into the oil; if it sizzles, the oil is hot enough.

Carefully place a few chimichangas seam-side down into the hot oil, being careful not to overcrowd the skillet. Broil for around 2-3 minutes on each side, or until brilliant brown and fresh.

Remove the chimichangas from the oil using a slotted spoon and place them on a plate lined with paper towels to drain any excess oil. Repeat with the remaining chimichangas.

4: Serve

Eliminate the toothpicks before serving. Organize the scaled-down chimichangas. On a platter, present them with sharp cream, guacamole, additional salsa, and cleaved cilantro for plunging and decorating.

Mini Chimichangas


For anybody looking for an overall quite speedy bite, these mini chimichangas are an extraordinary decision. They are versatile, easy to plan, and ideal for fulfilling your Tex-Mex wants. These scaled-down treats are certain to please, whether you serve them at a party or as a great family supper. Relish the heavenly and firm mini chimichangas, yet be ready for them to rapidly vanish.


Q1: Can I bake the mini chimichangas instead of frying them?

Yes, you can heat little chimichangas for a better choice. Preheat your broiler to 400°F (200°C). Put the assembled chimichangas on a baking sheet fixed with material paper, brush them carefully with oil, and intensify for something like 20 minutes or until splendid and firm, turning them somewhat through the baking time.

Q2: Can I prepare mini chimichangas in advance?

Yes! You can assemble the chimichangas and store them in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours before frying or baking them. If you want to store them longer, you can freeze the assembled chimichangas for up to 3 months. Just thaw them in the refrigerator before cooking.

Q3: What are some variations of the filling I can use?

Mini chimichangas are exceptionally adaptable, and you can tweak the filling as you would prefer. A few well-known varieties incorporate ground meat or turkey, destroyed pork, veggie lover choices with sautéed vegetables and beans, or even a morning meal rendition with fried eggs, cheddar, and bacon or wiener.

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